About Us

Unique and flexible, designed to cater for the needs of young adults (aged 16 +) with additional support needs


The Michael Tracey Project is a unique and flexible service designed specifically to cater for the needs of young adults (aged 16 +) with additional support needs and their families both in the community and at home.

Support Services Offered:

Daily support

Promote socialisation, community involvement, assist with meaningful activities, building and maintaining relationships.

transition support

From children’s services to adult services (school to college etc, living at home to supported living etc, children’s respite services to adult respite services or any other services). This also involves support with person centred planning.

Overnight respite, short breaks and holiday support

Provided in the UK or abroad, either within the client’s own home or away (hotels, caravans, lodges etc). Overnight respite, short breaks and holiday support can be provided on an individual basis or clients can choose to be supported on holiday with friends or family. We can be flexible and work closely with individuals to cater to any budget.

the hub club

The Michael Tracey Project, in partnership with The Include Me 2 Club, host a fabulous day club, The Hub Club. The Hub Club is designed to offer choice, variety, control and opportunities that are member-led, person-centred, asset-based and community-focused. Providing activities across Monday to Friday in morning sessions, 9.30am-12.30, a lunch club, from 12.30-1.30, and then afternoon sessions, 1.30-4.30pm. During these sessions there are a range of activities such as arts & crafts, drama, music, health, cooking, jewellery making, photography and community involvement. You can take part for fun, make new friends, connect to the wider community, or you can learn and take part in accredited awards and learning whilst attending the Hub Club. Our Programme is designed to fit around school, college, university, training, work, family life, care plans and social commitments you already have, you can attend from 1 session per week to every session, the choice is yours. #YouDecide. For Hub Club referrals please contact Ashley McIlvenny on 0141-881-0544 or via email on: adultservices@includeme2club.org.uk 

Referral Processes:


via home page, email: caraodonnell@themichaeltraceyproject.co.uk or Call: Cara O’Donnell BEM Chief Executive: 0141-483-5969

social work

Contact Social Worker and provide them with the information available from this website.

Family & friends

Family and friends can make a referral via details above directly to The Michael Tracey Project


Referral can also be made via other reputable agencies.

Our Board of Trustees

We have a Board of Trustees who meet regularly to discuss the ongoing operations of the organisation. The Board of Trustees can be contacted via the CEO, Cara O’Donnell, by emailing caraodonnell@themichaeltraceyproject.co.uk marked FAO Trustees

Our Services

Daily Support

Here is Christopher enjoying being supported to Blair Drummond Safari Park on one of his daily supports.


The Michael Tracey Project can work alongside families and other agencies to provide person centred planning support during transitions.


Here is Cara enjoying a visit away to her favourite place in Center Parcs. She loved the sensory bowling experience.

Wanted: Dynamic individuals to expand our team!

©2020 The Michael Tracey Project. All Rights Reserved.The Michael Tracey Project is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation in Scotland,Registration Number SC046647

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